Alanna Holder-Riches IA 63 Member at Large
IA6 3 Executive Board Member
IA6 3 Women'sCommitteeChair Person
IATSE InternationalWomen's Committee Member
November ,1 2023
To Al My Brothers, Sisters and Kin of IATSE 63:
Hello Ihope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. Ineed your help. President Thomson has asked me to organize and put together some Christmas Hampers this year. A request I gladly accepted whole-heartedly.
My thoughts are rather than asking the Christmas Cheer Board for people
to help, why not look inward to our Union Family to seek those who are struggling to make ends meet in this economy. Why not help the people we know. I wanted to name this endeavour The "Smitty" Christmas Campaign in memory of our Brother Robert John Smith who lost his battle with cancer.
So ti is at this time Iam reaching out to all my Union Family to think about who they know that could benefit from a hamper at Christmas time. Perhaps you know a retired brother or sister on a fixed budget, or an elderly couplestruggling to make ends meet, or asingle parent who needs a little extra help, or a refugee family new to Canada.
I am asking you to forward the Name, Address, Telephone number, and what category in which your choice belongs to. All the names will be divided into their categories and one name from each will be drawn.
Please send your entries before December 15, 2023, to
Respectfully and in Solidarity
Sister Alanna Holder-Riches
